Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Welcome, welcome! Come on in and have a seat! We have some great teases to perk up your #HumpDay! Been working on edits for the re-release of The Doctor's Deception. It has a brand new cover and new content, so I thought I'd share with you a tease from that book. 

Faith Daniels stared at Cheryl’s closed fist and the two short plastic straws it contained. Trepidation rippled up her spine. I hate this. Her gaze flew to Jolene, who chewed her lower lip. The two of them were the last nurses in the lounge left to choose. “Go ahead, Jo. Pick one.”

Jolene’s hand trembled as she reached out to grab a straw before she snatched her hand back. “I can’t, Faith. You go.”

“Well, somebody better draw. Nurses’ report ended five minutes ago, and I know the night shift is probably more than ready to go home,” Cheryl, the day charge nurse, urged.

“Oh, what the hell. I’ll go.” Faith inhaled a deep breath and grasped the smooth plastic. Not again. Please, God. Not again.

She pulled and out slipped the one-inch stump she’d been dreading. Cheryl opened her palm to reveal the single straw left that was about an inch and a half longer than the one Faith held. Her heart skipped a beat. Her silent prayer had fallen on deaf ears—-again. A collective sigh of relief escaped the team of six nurses that were on shift today. They collected their stethoscopes and made their escape from the lounge.

“Thank God!” Jolene said dramatically, wiping her hands on her hot pink scrub pants. “I couldn’t bear the thought of putting up with him today.” She gave Faith an apologetic smile. “Sorry, Faith, but better you than me.” Jolene picked her stethoscope up off the table and left for shift report like her hind end was on fire.

“Damn. How do I always get the short straw, Cheryl?” Faith’s gaze pinned the only nurse still left in the room. “What have I done to deserve this?”

“It’s called Karma, babe. You just don’t have any.” Cheryl chuckled. “Cheer up. At least he’ll be in surgery for a while and won’t be able to start in on his regular old bullshit right away.” She patted Faith on the back and followed the others.

Faith turned to her open locker and grasped her stethoscope. She draped it around her neck, then slammed the door shut with enough force that it bounced back open. She was going to have to deal with him for the fourth shift in a row. The thought depressed her.


Dr. Stone Lassiter.

God’s alleged gift to cardiovascular surgery. 

At least in his own over-inflated opinion. A derisive snort escaped her and she closed her locker a bit more gently this time. No sense in ruining hospital property she thought and sighed heavily. Since he’d come to Deerborne County General last year, she’d made it a habit to avoid him as much as possible. But, when forced to deal with his anger when he was on a roll, she fired right back with an over-exaggerated sweetness guaranteed to get on his nerves. Her behavior was childish, but she couldn’t seem to help herself. Wasn’t there an old saying about honey versus lemons? Obviously, Doctor Granite-head hadn’t heard of it.


That's all I have for now! Below is my blurb that is a work in progress. Don't forget to check out the other teases today by clicking on the names listed below! Enjoy the rest of your Hump Day!

Kathleen 💋💋


Heart Surgeon Stone Lassiter has successfully transplanted beating hearts, but it’s his own that is causing him the most agony. With a deathbed promise to his fiancée, he's driven to open a transplant center in her hometown, and arrives at Deerborne County General Hospital. Single minded in his focus, he inadvertently alienates the nursing staff he needs to make his dream a success. He sets his stethoscope on intensive care nurse, Faith Daniels, to improve his image. 

Nurse of the Year, Faith Daniels has passed every nursing exam, but when faced with the task of the MCAT, she has severe test anxiety. Burned by her ex-husband, who used her while she put him through law school, she has become focused on passing that darn exam, and achieving her own dream to become a doctor in her own right. Will the white lie Stone tells Faith jeopardize the love they find?

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Sunday, May 7, 2017


Happy Sunday! How is everyone today? Welcome to this week's #Snippet Central where we share with you some Sunday goodness. As always, this is only possible due to the hard work of the lovely Doris O'Connor who puts this together for us each week. 

Today's snippet comes from my latest release, Chicks Dig Scars which is apart of the Prowlers & Growlers Paranormal Boxed Set that made the USA Today Best Seller's list last week! To set the scene, Devon is about to watch the DVD which his father left for him in the event of his death which explains the reasons for the terms of his will. I edited it in an attempt to fit the guidelines.

“I know you too well, son,” Seamus said. “You’ll probably accuse her of being some Anna Nicole Smith or some such nonsense. You know my heart still belongs to your mother. Always has, always will. So, before you go and make an ass out of yourself, let me set you straight on the matter. The girl has no idea I have money. She has spent her free time watching over me and caring for me and I’ve grown to love her like a daughter. Every time I was hospitalized, it was she who made sure I was well taken care of and when I’d be discharged she’d often check on me to make sure I was fed and took my medication, running errands even though she didn’t have to. Not once did she ever ask for anything in return. Hell, she didn’t even know I could’ve hired a whole army of nurses and servants to take care of me.” He chuckled, mischief gleaming in his eyes.

Devon groaned, remembering all the awful things he’d said to Rachel. “Too, late, Da. I already have.” He chose to ignore his subsequent relief at the knowledge Rachel had never slept with his father. 

No need to go there…
That's all I have for this week! Don't forget to check out the other smexy snippets today by clicking the names below! 

Kathleen 💋💋


When death steps in...

Committed and compassionate intensive care nurse, Rachel O'Dea will do anything to save her patients. But when she loses a kind and loving man whom she forged a fatherly relationship with, Rachel unravels.

...or so everyone thinks.

The calm and soothing voices Rachel hears and the apparitions she sees are of the deceased man and his late wife as they navigate and persuade her to make important choices in her life, leading her right where she's supposed to be.

Free clinic doctor, Devon Jameson, needs more hands on deck. He can't possibly handle all the medical cases alone. When Rachel walks in, volunteering her services, he knows he has no choice other than to take her on board as she proves her worth when a pediatric trauma is left on his doorstep and there’s no one else to assist. As the two begin working together, their lives intertwine and the attraction intensifies. Scarred deeply by their past and their pain, Rachel and Devon begin a future only angels could predict.

#FREE in #KindleUnlimited

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Thursday, May 4, 2017


So I had a life changing moment yesterday and wanted to share! For the last year I have been working my ass off trying to get my writing back on track. It all started with an instant message on Facebook from one of the most smartest and dedicated women in publishing~Gina Kincade. All it said was, "Hey, Lady! Do you want to be apart of this?" 

It was an invitation to be apart of her Coming In Hot Medical Boxed Set which released last September. I thought, "why not?" I have a lot of unfinished books just sitting on my computer and maybe this is the kick in the ass I need to get myself back in the game. So I submitted Sex Is The Best Medicine and was accepted.

Well September came and went. Coming In Hot did very well as a set and I gained some new readers by collaborating with others. So much went on behind the scenes as far as marketing that I never knew about and I learned a great deal from Gina and the other authors in the group. More importantly, I gained new colleagues and formed bonds with these ladies that I'd trust with my life.... Muffy Wilson, Erzabet Bishop, Angelica Dawson, and of course, Gina Kincade herself, to name a few. 

My next project was the Steamy & Dreamy Boxed Set and I submitted Diary Of A Naughty Nurse and again, was accepted.

Which each subsequent completed project, my writing has been improving and the editors I've been working with have been amazing!

Prowlers & Growlers Paranormal Boxed Set was my 3rd Boxed Set working with this amazing team under the wonderful guidance of Gina Kincade.  I'm proud to announce that through all of our hard work, we made the USA Today Best Sellers List!!! 

I am on Cloud NINE... TEN... on the freaking MOON right now! To the toxic person I had in my life for over 20 years who said my writing would never amount to anything I guess I've proven you wrong. My contribution to the set is Chicks Dig Scars and it is my best writing to date!

So out of all of this I've gained a new publisher, friends for life, and I'm that much more closer to reaching my goal of Full Time Writer, part time nurse! I have so many wonderful stories coming your way and I can't wait to share them with you!

Stay Healthy and Happy!

Kathleen 💋💋

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Traveling home from a wonderful vacation! Tomorrow it is back to the old grind. LOL. But for now, we will carry on with this week's MidWeek Tease brought to us every week by the lovely Angelica Dawson ;)  This week's teaser comes from my latest release, Chicks Dig Scars in the Prowlers & Growlers Paranormal Boxed Set which released last week. I just adore these characters! 

Rachel scoured her tub with renewed vigor, ignoring the now familiar burst of light brightening the room. “No,” she said.

“But I haven’t asked you anything yet,” Seamus complained.

She glanced up, pausing mid scrub. “Your son is a first class jerk,” she said refraining from using the word asshole, just barely. Chick? He’d described her as some chick who was there to clean Seamus’ house? She restarted scrubbing the spotless porcelain once more. “I won’t be seeing him again.”

“But you promised to help him,” Seamus said. “He can’t even make my funeral arrangements. I’m still in a cold, steel box at the morgue.”

Rachel gave up on her task, her arm aching from the effort. The vision he’d put in her head squeezed her heart. It had been over a week since she’d seen Devon Jameson. She’d desperately been stalking the obituaries looking for any news of when Seamus’ memorial service would be. Now she knew why she hadn’t seen any notification.

“Where?” she asked with resignation. “Where’s the ass—umm, your son now?”

Seamus beamed, shimmering with renewed brilliance. “That’s a good lass. You’re the daughter I never had. I only want what’s best for you,” he said, his Irish lilt full of love. He lifted his hand and cupped her cheek.

Rachel couldn’t feel skin. She couldn’t feel anything at all in the normal sense. Instead, a warmth infused her, taking away her sadness. She closed her eyes, soaking in the peace he granted her. “I miss you so much, Seamus. How am I supposed to go on without you?”
That's all I have for this week! Don't forget to hop on over to the other teases and see what's on the agenda for this week! Enjoy the rest of your Hump Day!

Kathleen 💋💋


When death steps in...

Committed and compassionate intensive care nurse, Rachel O'Dea will do anything to save her patients. But when she loses a kind and loving man whom she forged a fatherly relationship with, Rachel unravels.

...or so everyone thinks.

The calm and soothing voices Rachel hears and the apparitions she sees are of the deceased man and his late wife as they navigate and persuade her to make important choices in her life, leading her right where she's supposed to be.

Free clinic doctor, Devon Jameson, needs more hands on deck. He can't possibly handle all the medical cases alone. When Rachel walks in, volunteering her services, he knows he has no choice other than to take her on board as she proves her worth when a pediatric trauma is left on his doorstep and there’s no one else to assist. As the two begin working together, their lives intertwine and the attraction intensifies. Scarred deeply by their past and their pain, Rachel and Devon begin a future only angels could predict.

Available now! Link:

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Sunday, April 30, 2017


Good Sunday morning! Haling you from beautiful New Orleans where I'm enjoying sunshine and plenty of fab music here at the Jazz Festival for my wedding anniversary. So while I'm sipping some amazing coffee and eating a beignet, I'll be reading everyone's Snippets ;)

Today, I'm sharing from my new release, Chicks Dig Scars, which was released last Tuesday in the Prowlers & Growlers Paranormal Boxed Set. This is edited to try and fit the guidelines. Thank you, Doris O'Connor for putting on this weekly blog hop so that we may all share a snippet of our work :)

“Ah, lass, don’t judge the lad too harshly,” Seamus said, appearing beside her in a burst of bright light.

She jumped. “What the heck, Seamus!” Sucking in a harsh breath she pressed her hand over her heart. “Give a girl some warning before you just poof into a room.”

He chuckled. “Sorry,” he said with a beaming smile. “Still getting used to this ghost business.”

“Well, that makes two of us,” she muttered as she made her way back to his study and knelt down beside Devon once more. She tried to ignore the fact that Seamus’ apparition hovered a few inches above the bloodied carpet beside his son. “You knew, didn’t you? Why didn’t you just tell me he was drunk?” she accused.

“Now don’t go getting your skirts in a bunch, lass,” Seamus said. 


That's all I have for now! Don't forget to check out the other FAB snippets this week by clicking on the author's names below!

Kathleen  💋💋


When death steps in...

Committed and compassionate intensive care nurse, Rachel O'Dea will do anything to save her patients. But when she loses a kind and loving man whom she forged a fatherly relationship with, Rachel unravels.

...or so everyone thinks.

The calm and soothing voices Rachel hears and the apparitions she sees are of the deceased man and his late wife as they navigate and persuade her to make important choices in her life, leading her right where she's supposed to be.

Free clinic doctor, Devon Jameson, needs more hands on deck. He can't possibly handle all the medical cases alone. When Rachel walks in, volunteering her services, he knows he has no choice other than to take her on board as she proves her worth when a pediatric trauma is left on his doorstep and there’s no one else to assist. As the two begin working together, their lives intertwine and the attraction intensifies. Scarred deeply by their past and their pain, Rachel and Devon begin a future only angels could predict.

Available NOW for only .99Cents! The price goes up this week!! Link:

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