This is your last two days to get in on Brenda Novak's Online Auction for Diabetes Research. Don't miss this great opportunity to get in on a raffle item! There are three raffle items up for bid listed on www.brendanovak.com as follows:

This raffle item package is rife with opportunity for an aspiring writer. It includes:
1. A Triple Pass Deep Edit of 30 pages of your manuscript compliments of the amazing Margie Lawson.
2. An evaluation of your proposal (first three chapters & synopsis) by Agent Michelle Grajkowski of Three Seas Literary Agency--including a response within 24 hours!!
3. An evaluation of your proposal (first three chapters & synopsis) by Editor Kate Duffy of Kensington Books--inncluding a response within 24 hours!!
Have Margie help you get that submission ready, and then get in front of a talented agent and a savvy editor and maybe, just maybe, this will result in THE CALL!

This amazing raffle package includes an Amazon Kindle. These hot (as in "cool" not "stolen" LOL) new devices have really caused a buzz, and here's your chance to own one. A Kindle is a wireless portable reading device with instant access to more than 90,000 books, blogs, newspapers and magazines. Whether you're in bed or on the train, Kindle lets you think of a book and get it in less than a minute.
This raffle also includes autographed books from the following authors:
TRUST ME by Brenda Novak
THE APPEAL by John Grisham
Two Dark Hunter Books by Sherrilyn Kenyon
WORTH EVERY RISK by Dianna Love Snell
PHANTOM IN THE NIGHT by Dianna Love and Sherrilyn Kenyon

This raffle includes:
A lovely John Atencio bracelet created from Sterling Silver and 18k Gold with diamonds. The retail price is $1695.00. Thank you to Rogers Jewelry for this fabulous donation.
A Golf Accessory Package Labor of Love Gift Pack just in time for Father's Day that includes: A Black nylon backpack, Golf Shirt (made from bamboo) in rusty orange (size XL), Leather Wallet, Sterling Silver Money Clip from Ballou Jewelers in Lincoln, RI (it has a crest in the middle with 2 golf clubs criss-crossed in the middle of the crest), 3 Top Flite Golf Balls, Tees and Ball Marker, and Cleaning Towel for Clubs.Thank you to DAD’s (Dollars Against Diabetes) Day Golf of the Diabetes Research Institute
A beautiful glass-bead necklace and bracelet set I bought in Venice, Italy when I visited this month.
Autographed copies of the first three books in my new series--TRUST ME, STOP ME, and WATCH ME, ,as well as entrance into my fan club, which will offer a lot of fun things over the next year.
WOW! I'm heading over to bid right now! How about you? Just sign in and bid over at www.brendanovak.com! Good Luck!