Friday, August 8, 2008


This is one of my favorite book covers! The Ghost Inside is jj Keller's new release from The Cobblestone Press being released today!! Here is a little bit more about the book and where to buy it! Enjoy!

The Ames Mansion, mysterious and foreboding, is believed to be haunted.
Though it’s been in her family since 1825, Jacey Hewson intends to sell it.
First she has to find antique swords rumored to be hidden somewhere on the estate.

Griff Carpenter runs a profitable construction business, but he needs cash to pay
off a blackmailer. Griff takes the job to renovate the apocalypse estate. What he doesn’t count on, is his growing attraction for the new owner.

Two hearts lost in an intrigue of mystical suspense.


“Hewson, I’m serious. You can’t go to that creepy mansion by yourself.” Ericka Gilmore flipped the belt from her black sweater over and back across her hand. She was model thin, yet insisted on wearing black, claiming it reflected her dark personality.

Jacey shoved a pair of jeans in her luggage. “I can’t wait on Matt. You know how long it takes him to close a real estate deal, and I need to do this. You understand, right?” She glanced at her best friend and tried out a woebegone expression.

Ericka rolled her amber-tinted eyes. Jacey suppressed a laugh.

“Like your ex-boyfriend would be of any benefit to you.” Ericka snorted. “Why, exactly, did he agree to help you anyway?”

“Guilt. He’s afraid of bad karma. You know, sleeping with her while he was in a monogamous relationship with me. He wants to make it right.”

“Make it right?” Ericka pulled her long caramel-hued hair into a twisted knot at the nape of her neck. “Please.” She yawned.

“He thinks if he helps me move my stuff to Aunt Megan’s, then we’d be even.” She tugged the window open to allow fresh air inside. The multiple layers of paint split off and fell onto the ledge. The heavy afternoon traffic along Meridian Street added a pleasant hum to mix with Rob Thomas’ heavenly voice crooning his version of how a heart breaks. “Besides I could use the muscle.”

“So, you really only dated him because of his good looks, not because of his brains.” Ericka snickered.

“That and the fact he’s well hung.” Jacey winked at her.

“They broke up two days ago,” Ericka divulged, her expression sly.

“For real?” Jacey curved her mouth into a moue.

Ericka nodded and stared at Jacey, like she’d expected her to break out in a dance or something.

“Poor guy, all alone.” She shook out a tiny pair of shorts. “And he’ll stay alone, because he’s not coming back to me. Anyway, the estate manager arranged for a guy to meet me tomorrow, and we’re going to talk construction. He’ll do his thing. You’ll come and we’ll stage it to sell. Sound like a good plan?”

Ericka stuffed a make-up case with the essentials: base, eye shadow, lipstick, and lotions. “Yes. I ‘m excited. I need a vacation.”

“Just think, in one month it’ll all be a part of the past and I’ll be closer to my future.” Jacey threw an extra pair of wool socks into the luggage, in case the house was as cold as she remembered.

“Can’t you do all of the transactions from here?” Ericka removed a pair of rust stained jeans from the bright red luggage and tossed them in the waste can.
Jacey extracted the pants from the trash and put them back in the bag.

“No, because of the swords. They’re collectibles and I intend to have them. With a teaching salary it will take years before I can own an antique business. If I find the swords I’ll be set.”

jj Keller
Fantasies with spice and humor.
All rights reserved.


Take Care,


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Kathleen. The Ghost Inside is such a fun story. The characters are colorful. The setting is fabulous and the plot rushes with excitement.

There is a sequel in the works. ;)

Unknown said...

Sounds great! Can't wait!