Prizes Galore:
$450+ In Gift Cards to Amazon, B&N, ARe, and Other Publisher Sites
150+ In Ebooks of all heat levels
Jewlery, Gift Baskets, Christmas Ornaments, and all kinds of goodies
Each participating author is going to hold a contest on their blog with so many treats up for grabs it’s enough to make every reader’s Christmas just that much happier! In each contest post the author will link the others participating in the blog hop to help you find each and ever stop to increase your chances to win.
The contest will start Friday, December 16, 2011 and go till midnight Sunday, December 18, 2011.Go to http://thebloghopspot.com/event-page/ and click on all of the author's names to enter to win!
Have fun and Merry Christmas to all of you!
Merry Christmas, hon! Have fun on the hop!
Merry Christmas. I love the season of giving. I wish I could give all the authors participating in this blog hop a big hug in person.
koonie2888 at yahoo dot co
Thanks for being part of the Hop and Happy Holidays!!
Melly ho-ho, Kat! I'm pleased to be stuffing stockings with ya!
Happy Holidays! I am having a wonderful time going to all the sites and trying to stuff the eye candy in my stocking! <^_^>
Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win such a great prize!
reneebennett35 at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the great giveaway.
Merry Christmas!
Thanks so much for the contest.
Thanks so much for the giveaway
helldog3 at aol.com
Thanks for the giveaway! Gotta love these hops. Gloria
geschumann at live dot com
Thanks for the giveaway!
Happy Holidays!
Megan G.
Hi! Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
June M.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
i m only 1/3 of way but i got 2 more day and hope i will be able to do it and have great holiday
This hop is fun! Next time, maybe my husband and I can participate as authors!
Merry Christma.
angel.graham.1 (at) gmail.com
thank you for the chance at such a great giveaway. i hope you and your family have a very Happy Holiday Season. thanks again.
Merry christmas and Thank U so much for Hop... terra
Hopping right along :) Thanks for participating. Happy Holidays!
Thanks for being part of the Hop, lots of great authors to check out...Happy Holidays to you!
Happy holidays. Thanks for being part of the blog hop.
Thank you for the excellent giveaway. I hope you have a joyous and safe holiday season.
seriousreader at live dot com
Thank you for the great giveaway, I've been having fun finding new books!
melorabrock {at} gmail {dot} com
Thanks for the giveaway. Happy Holidays.
Merry Christmas ^.^
Erica Pike
eripike at gmail dot com
Merry Christmas! Thanks for the treats.
Merry Christmas Kathleen and hope your Birthday was wonderful!!!
What a great giveaway thank you very much! Happy Holiday to you!
tishajean@ charter.net
GCs are among my favorite gifts.
This is a fantastic hop. If I could only find a way to get through the pages faster. In two days, I've only been to 45 of the authors.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Merry Christmas
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com
I love these blog hops! You authors are amazing and so giving! Thank you! Happy holidays!
Love Christmas and I love christmas blog hopping too! ;D
Merry Xmas and thanks for participating
This Hop is great
Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays & thanks for the giveaway!
Happy Holidays, Kathleen!
I would love to be added to this giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity and happy holidays!
Thanks for the giveaway!
beckerjo at verizon dot net
I love christmas and this blog hop is fun fun fun. I missed the birthday celebration, but hope you have a merry christmas.
Shoot, I missed your Birthday Hop. Sounds like it was a success without me.
I guess, I'll just have to wish extra hard to win the GC from this hop.
drainbamaged.gyzmo at gmail.com
Thanks for the giveaway.
Thank you and hope your comp gets better soon.
Thank you participating in this.
Happy Holidays!
mamaelk1113 at gmail dot com
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