Yeah! It's Sunday! Here's another Six from my wip, Temperatures Rising. Last we met Nursing student Ann Raines, she had met Sexy Ewan McGregor look alike at Jolly's Taproom. It's the morning after and she's a bit hungover...
How the hell did I get here? Stomach queasy, she forced her eyelids back open; focus, damn it!
Mouth dry with the old sour taste of liquor tattooed to the inner membranes, she sat up and peered into the dimness cast by the fog through the large window that encompassed an entire wall. The movement initiated a series of painful spikes along the base of her skull that vibrated in agonizing waves to her temples. A soft moan escaped her parched lips.
God, she needed to remember she wasn’t as young as she used to be; the new and improved Anne Raines was a responsible person striving to earn her nursing degree. In fact, her first clinical was… Aww...shit!
That's it! We will continue this snippet next week! Meanwhile, stop by http://www.sixsunday.com/ to enjoy more Sixes from some awesomely talented authors!
Happy Sunday!!Kathleen
'..old sour taste of liquor tattooed..' oh my, I love you snippet. Great job.
Wow what description!!!
What a realistic description. Well done! I want to know what happens next, what else she learns when she becomes more aware of her surroundings. :)
Great description. Now I want to know what the "aw shit" was about. Excellent Six!
Aw shit is right! OMG what a great Six!
Uh-oh...that doesn't sound good- great 6
Dawne P
Oh, yeah, that definitely describes hungover--great Six! Very descriptive!
The entire description is wonderful. "Tattooed to the inner membranes" has got to be one of the best lines I've read in a long time. Great six. It even made me (briefly) forget the incredible photo of Ewan.
vivid, detailed description of the morning after. Nicely done.
Great six - bet the exam is - too late!
Awesome snippet, Kathleen! I love it!
Uh-oh! Love the realization. Great six! :)
Uh-oh! Loved your voice and the descriptions in here! Well done :)
Nicely done 6!
Great description. Feel for her.
Very nice.
I can feel this hangover, and I have a feeling she will for a while. Great six!
Painful spikes along the base of her skull - great description! Love her POV and character. :)
Very descriptive(and accurate. Hope she doesn't screw up her clinicals.
Great descrip! That ending cracked me up! :)
A Way To A Dragon's Heart 6SS
Ah yes. Hangovers are a whole different beast when you are old. Lol!
uh poor girl. love the description of the hangover. Would love to know what happened BEFORE the hangover tho LOL
Good 6, Kathleen.
You really got the hangover part perfect, or so I've been told.
That's too funny! Great six!
oh oh...I think she's in trouble! Written so that anyone can relate...loved your 6
Fantastic description of her hangover!
Ha! Aw, shit is right! Wonderful description... I live being inside this character's head :)
Girlfriend, ain't none of us as young as we used to be. LOL. ;)
Even responsible people have fun! Painfully accurate description of a hangover, lol. Excellent six.
Uh-oh, it's going to be a hell of a clinical. Nice descriptive language.
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