Friday, December 21, 2012

Zombie/Mayan Apocalypse Blog Hop Blow Out

Welcome! First thing on your mind is what the heck is a contemporary medical romance author doing in a Zombie/Mayan Apocalypse Blog Hop? LOL.  Well, I've been branching outside of my normal writing into the paranormal.  I have a series of books planned that will showcase some strong, totally kick-ass heroines who are Phoenix, which is the Sun Council's type of CIA/peace keeping force between the human race and all things supernatural.  The project is in it's infancy and as I've developed the story line, I realized I need to do a little rewriting.  My first heroine, Agent Tatum Wilder is on a quest to hinder the dark forces trying to bring about the end of days... I'd love to know what you think! Comments are always appreciated!  Here's my sneak peek of part of chapter one of my wip, From Lust To Ashes...


“One. Two. Three. Jump!” 

     Helicopter blades whirling overhead, Agent Tatum Wilder obeyed the command without hesitation and leapt from the open door into the frozen, black night.  Snow swirled around her as she floated toward the ice-covered ground, easily manipulating the lines of her parachute.  Crisp winter air chilled her heated face.  She landed in the knee deep snow with a thud and dispatched her chute.

     The target was close.  She cocked her head, listening intently.  The whoosh of a blade sliced through the air, then there was a sharp crack before the metal cored through wood.  She closed her eyes and inhaled a ragged breath, using her inner sight to size up the male she’d been called upon to seduce.    Even at this distance Tatum could sense the heat of well muscled flesh.  Blood coursed through his veins.  She could even smell the distinct, delicious all male scent as he worked up a sweat. 


     He was younger than her last assignment--Thirty something.

A former Navy Captain with the nickname “Rockstar” because of his golden good looks and outgoing personality.  Her sex clenched.  She licked her lips.  Her body hummed with anticipation, panties already damp despite the snow drifting lazily to the ground.  Wonder how long he will resist before he caves and does as the Sun Counsel mandated? 

     Hopefully, a long, long, time.  Her lips curved. 

     As she drew closer to the cabin, she perceived an inner strength of will that ought to make the night a little more interesting.  In the end, his resolve will crumble, and it won’t be long before the former Navy Captain begged her for his own release.

     She stumbled a bit on the icy path. Damn.  Weakness began to consume her as Akthuá drew near.  Her core body temperature rose with every footfall.  Needing the distraction, Tatum had leapt at the chance when Magna offered her this assignment.  Her superior and the oldest member of the Sun Counsel, Tatum had been surprised Magna hadn’t realized how close Tatum was to Akthuá. 

Magna knew everything. 

     Tatum dismissed the slight wooziness clouding her brain and straightened her spine. She had enough power for good ole Captain Murphy. This was just a quickie.  Get in. Get out!  She snickered, amused at the innuendo.

Once her assignment was complete, she’d check into Sanctuary and prepare.  Not that the healers of Sanctuary could control the excruciating pain she’d suffer as Akthuá consumed her flesh, but the hallowed ground and sacred doors of the temple would keep her safe from Him during her weakened state.  Not even the Dark God, Osiris, would risk the wrath by violating Sanctuary’s bylaws.  Every supernatural being, hell, even humans were bound to obey.

She rounded the bend and the log cabin came into view.  A single light shone from a downstairs window.  The sound of wood chopping grew louder as she approached the back porch.  There he was.  Sam Murphy in the flesh with arms raised above his head wielding an axe downward in a fluid stroke of strength and masculinity.  Hungrily, her gaze traveled over him by the glow of a single lantern.  Her keen sense of sight left no detail unnoticed.   

Sandy blonde hair damp from the falling snow and the sweat from his exertion grew unfashionably long and passed his shoulders.  The tendrils curled slightly at the ends.  Prominent forehead with darker brows and lashes framed penetrating hazel eyes.  Nose, straight and proud, was reddened from the cold.  A rough, unkempt beard covered the rest of his face and framed full, sensual lips.  His breath showed in little puffs of smoke in the freezing night air.

Dressed in a black and grey long sleeved flannel checked shirt, the material drew taught against his broad shoulders, bulging biceps, and tight pecks with each stroke of sharpened blade through the wood. Faded denim hugged tapered hips and dipped dangerously low with each lift of the axe over his head.  Her glance dropped lower and she appreciated how the material melded over well-muscled thighs. 

Fascination held Tatum in place.  Desire stirred deep within her core and her body temperature shot up another ten degrees.  Wetness pooled between her thighs. 

Careful, girl. Or the human won’t be able to touch you.

Her breath hitched.  Unacceptable!  She needed this as much as the Council did.  No, she amended. She needed this more.  One last physical release to help distract her from the unbearable pain she’d have to endure during Akthuá. 

“Who are you and what the hell are you doing on my property?” Sam asked.

Distracted by her raging need, Tatum hadn’t realized he’d stopped chopping wood.  Her gaze focused on his face.  The axe rested casually on one shoulder in a deceptively vulnerable pose.  Anger burned deep in his eyes and his brows drew together deepening the frown on his face. 

Tatum tugged at the drawstring of her hooded cloak and let the heavy material fall to the ground, revealing herself.  Thick, straight, deep auburn hair with varying shades of golden highlights wound down past her waist, lifted lightly by the breeze.  She was dressed in a black leather pantsuit that embraced every feminine curve she possessed.  She knew the picture she presented.  Painted red lips curled into a provocative smile.  “Agent Tatum Wilder, Captain Murphy,” she said, her voice infused with just a hint of a seductive purr.  She bent in a mock bow.  “At your service.”

“I’m no longer enlisted, so take your sexy vamp ass over the hills and back through the woods and find yourself another blood bag,” he said drawing the axe from his shoulder and holding the handle in preparation to strike. 

“A vamp?” Tatum said and laughter erupted. Absolutely ludicrous! “You…think…I’m… Vampire?” she said through gasps of merriment.  Tears of mirth filled her eyes and she held her abdomen, trying to get a hold of herself.

Uncertainty filled his gaze and the tip of the axe lowered a bit toward the ground.  “Well, aren’t you?”

In a swift move of velocity and grace, Tatum zipped behind Captain Murphy and disarmed him, tossing the sharpened axe blade in the center of the back door to the house.  A loud “crack” broke the tense silence as the wooden handle wobbled from the impact.  Her arm snaked around his neck and lifted his chin, forcing his head to rest upon her shoulder.  She pulled his body flush with hers, pushing her breasts into the strong corded muscles of his back.  The spicy scent of male mingled with sweat filled her and she drew him in.  Her tongue trailed liquid heat along his ear.  He stiffened within her embrace.  She closed her eyes, savoring the all male strength she held close and inhaled deeply. 

“Relax, Rockstar.  I’m not going to eat you,” she said, enjoying the feel and scent of the human male against her.  “And, fyi, I’m not a vampire.  If I was, you’d be drained already,” she said, voice husky and filled with unspoken promise.  “Why don’t we go inside your cozy little cabin, sit by the fire, and… talk.”  With reluctance, she released him and headed toward the porch. 

That's it! I hope you enjoyed. I can't wait to get it finished and subbed to my publisher!  Don't forget to stop by this link to check out the other hoppers today!



Unknown said...

Sounds interesting. Good luck with your project!

Unknown said...

Thank you C.R.! It's gonna be a fun one to write!

Eva's Flowers said...

I like it! The excerpt is just enough to whet your appetite and now I want more. Keep up the good work :)