Monday, November 1, 2010


So, Nanowrimo began at midnight...Yes, I'm awake, but working. Sadly, saving lives takes precedence over writing! LOL When nights like tonight occur (because those of you that know me, know I don't function before 3pm in the afternoon), I will either write when I get off in the morning and/or get up early to get some words down on paper before I come back to work.

What are your personal goals for NANOWRIMO?? I listed mine right here on this blog last week. I'm just happy to be writing again on a daily basis.... But my OCD personality had me calculating just how many words I need to write in order to reach my goal--1666.666666!!!!  Hahahahahaha! I guess prepositions like "a" could count as that .6667 of a word!

What fuels my creativity? MUSIC! I love getting lost in a particular beat while I blare out my ear drums! The music can be sexy, romantic, comedic...but it all leads to the same thing for me---WORDS ON PAPER!!

Continueing yesterday's music theme, here's another song that I find romantic. Rodney Atkin's lyrics are charming, quaint, and very uplifting. The object of his admiration--The Farmer's Daughter--is a very lucky woman, indeed!


I will post my word count here and on facebook.  Wish me luck!

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