Good morning and happy Thursday! Recently I read a blog post by the brilliant and ever so sassy Doris O'Connor that reminded me the importance of daily blogging. Due to life getting in the way of well, just about everything... because ya know, it's life and it loves to throw you curveballs to keep you on your toes, (boy, could I be an excellent ballerina right now--tutu and all) I'd gotten away from some of the weekly things that I loved to post. Thursdays were always a funny meme, Friday there was some man candy (because let's face it, one can never ever have too much man candy around) and every so often I'd post something health related.
These posts were in addition to information about my writing, new releases and spotlighting other author friends of mine who I adore.
Since it's Thursday, I'm going to consider this a blog reset! The above meme reminds me of my current work in progress titled Temperatures Rising. It's about a misfit group of nursing students struggling their way through nursing school titled Temperatures Rising. I hope to have it completed in 2017 for you all.
PRN is medical shorthand for "as needed" And since it has been mentioned several times to me that obtaining your BSN (Bachelor's of Science in Nursing Degree) is one of the hardest degrees a person can ever obtain. Nursing Schools leave no room for a life outside of clinical and the classroom as my daughter can attest to.
If you want to read a snippet from a scene from my wip, Temperatures Rising, you can go to my post from yesterday where my drama queen nursing student has her first clinical day after a bit too much NaCl with her tequila. LOL. The link is located here:
If you want to learn more about fellow author, Doris O'Connor, you can go here: I believe she has a new Christmas book out.
Only two more days to get through before the weekend, ya'll!
Kathleen 💋💋
So glad I inspired you to get back to blogging, Kathleen. I'm looking forward to your posts :-D
I will do my best not to let anyone down!
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