Wednesday, January 19, 2011

WRITING UPDATE~'s everyone's writing coming along?  Have the goals you've set for yourself for 2011 coming to fruition?  I'm definitely tackling my "to do" list one item at  a time, but find I'm getting distracted by my next novel.  Most frustrating when I want to work on one wip, and the characters from the next one keep interrupting...

I've never been one of those writers that can split personalities and work on several projects at once.  I'm an A to Z OCD kind of gal...  I admire those that can. 

~I've pushed off the characters for the third book in my Dating series until I get a little further along in Impossible.

~I've been doing well with the Six Sentence Sunday posts...and even have several scheduled ahead.  That has been an extremely fun project to tackle.  I'm so glad I'm participating.  The feedback has been tremendous, so far.

~I've been blogging regularly, and getting hits to my blog.

~My website is under new development by my brilliant sister!

~I'm steadily working through my assigned contest entries...

~And last but not least, I am starting out with a new online critique group.  This last is something I'm very excited about.  Now, I don't have an excuse not to have pages to post...

So!  What about you?  Getting those goals checked off?  If may need to re-evaluate them.  Were they just unrealistic to begin with?  Small goals need to be attainable so that you can achieve them one at a time...

Good Luck and have a great Wednesday!

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